This is the start of our 10 mile Hike, it was a Hike to IceBerg Lake in Glacier National Park! You can see Grinnell Glacier from here!
Neil at the start of the Hike
This was the ranger who led our hike, in front of her are Bear Gardens where Bears have dug up the grass to eat wild tulip bulbs.
This is Ptramingen Falls, the halfway point on our hike to ice berg lake!
The crazy ground squirrel who kept trying to steal the snacks we were eating!
This is a picture of valleys, thousands of years ago these were filled with glaciers, when they melted and moved it formed these great valleys between the mountains!
After a five mile up hill hike we arrived at Ice Berg Lake!
A better view of the lake, this lake used to be a glacier. When the glacier melted it formed this lake, and in the winter ice freezes on the mountain and later in the summer cracks and falls back into the lake thus the name iceberg lake! We could actually hear the ice bergs cracking along the shore line however we didn't see any fall in!
This is bear grass, bears don't actually eat it, but in the fall, bears gather this tall plant and put in their dens for insulation!
This flower was my favorite even though the picture isn't great but it is an Indian Painted Brush.
A nice view of the scenery!
Bear claw marks on a tree, some of the trees have barbed wire wrapped around them. The wire collects hair from local bears and scientists run DNA research on the bears in the park!
This picture is unimportant, however about 5 seconds after snapping this photo I promptly tripped and twisted my ankle! No harm done but I did not take anymore photos for the last 2 and a half miles as not to do anymore damage!
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